+ 2.8 lbs.
To be expected. This was a rough week with a celebration thrown in. So my EXCUSES follow:
I received evaluations for my work from those that I supervise. Well, there is constructive criticism and there is down-right-mean-and-I-am-getting-back-at-you for an undefined reason criticism. I felt that a lot of what was said isn't really about me; didn't truly define my personality. But it made me very sad and stressed out. Stress is definitely a fat trapper. I feel a lot of stress and anxiety to make changes in a faster amount of time than I truly have. I have to work through that and hope that it doesn't stress me out more and cause weight gain.
On Thursday, I went to a dinner party for a friend at a private club. It was Nouveau Cuisine (french style) with lots of sea food in 6 courses. Well, seven with the Amuse Bouche. Everyone else had the wine pairings with each course. I don't drink alcohol at all--I have enough problems with food that I don't need to add alcohol.
I went back to that fabulous club and had lunch the next day. I love that place and I don't go often, so I had a nice lunch and cookie. It was the day I got my evaluations.
In my stress to accomplish a million things and attend every meeting and therapies (which I don't even want to put in its own category cause I am tired of discussing him and "it") for my son this week, I didn't drink waters this week. I am a true believer (even if I am scientifically wrong) that not hydrating causes your body to retain water for fear of dehydration. I haven't had my water next to me in days. I've been drinking when I am thirsty, which is not a great thing.
I worked out 4 times this week. I woke up at 5 a.m. and followed my schedule. Well, I also went full blast with the Jillian DVDs. That woman is insane. I felt the results yesterday and couldn't do anything because of the tightness in my lower body. However, Sundays start my week and I will be exercising my regular scheduled routine today--this afternoon when baby is napping--YOGA. I am also operating under my own theory that when you exercise after a long period of inactivity, your body doesn't allow for weightloss because it is repairing the things that are "ill" in the body first. I didn't build muscles in 4 days, so I am not using that as an excuse.
Hubby is traveling since Saturday. I am alone with 3 kids for a few days. This is common. While it is a regular routine to be alone with the 3 kids, it is never going to be something I am used to. The first night he is gone, I can't sleep. The thoughts of all the things that could go wrong swirl in my head throughout the night. The house is quiet and I start listening for any sound. I feel like I am on "alert" mode. That feeling doesn't allow me to unwind. I can't undwind when I am trying to be ready to kick someone's ass who tries to break in.
I do office work. I am behind a desk doing all day mostly. I am typing at the computer. The students come to me versus me going to them. During great weather, I take a walk with my co-worker. She and I would work out before work at home and still take time to walk together. It was a great way to connect. It is too cold and wet out there to go on the lake path that we take. It is just ugly out there.
I don't get a true period anymore. Just spotting because of the IUD. I still get the hormonal imbalance and moodiness. I am sure I am a bit bloated and can feel some cramping as I write this. I never truly know when my period is occurring. Well, actually I do. The zit on my chin is a big clue. I hate adult acne. My doctor told me to get rid of the simple sugars. I already don't eat the white rice, white breads, on a regular basis. If I do, it is a treat.
Adding all those excuses together, I had a gain because things went downhill.
- Stick to fitness schedule this week (at least 5 days)
- Drink waters
- Do a destressing activity to relieve anxiety built up from work.
- At 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. I am going to take a 10 minute break to walk up and down the 5 flights of stairs at my job.
- Take lunch and snacks to work to eliminate eating out.
How do you tackle a setback?