Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Being Fit Means To Me . . .

Soccer Mom

For as much as I want to hit snooze 5 times in the morning when it rings at 4:50 a.m.  I am quick to think about why I get up so early and exercise.  And the main reason is this little girl who loves to run and kick soccer balls.  When she was a baby her first word was "ball".  She ran around trying to kick balls.  She got so adept at kicking the balls into our plate of food and knocking over large glasses of water.  She is powerful. 

I started being more aware of my body after having my girl.  I became frightened at the prospect that she would start gaining weight and be the overweight child that I was, and the overweight woman that I once again became.  I so didn't want that.  She has always been slender and strong.  She knows her limits with food.  Give her a box of Valentines chocolates and they last almost a month; one remains and that is because I asked for a piece. She didn't even eat her birthday cake this weekend.  What kid takes one bite of cake and hands it off to her mother to eat? 

I want to be like her.  I want to run as fast.  I want to be as slender (well, within proportion, of course).  And most of all, I want her to want to model after me too.  She knows that I get up in the early morning, get dressed, and exercise.  She sees me set up the Yoga mat and do a routine.  She's also taken care of her baby sister while I do these activities, and then I'll put on a kid's DVD for her to do.  When I ask her to sit with sister, I'll say, "I need to exercise", and she understands and supports me.

So, for as much as I want to lose weight for me, I also want to lose weight for her. 


  1. How awesome to be inspired by - and for - your daughter. <3 (Awesome picture, too!)

  2. Excellent post! What better reason could there be to get healthy?!

  3. What better reason to want to be healthy and trim! Keep it up, I think it is wonderful that you are thinking about the positive reasons for being healthy!
    Watching The Biggest Loser last night really inspired me to get going on my routine...and to top it off the sun is out today, that always inspires me to do good.

  4. What great inspiration! Thanks so much for the comments on my posts the last couple of weeks :). I am adding you to my blog roll and will be following from now on!


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